lets talk about sex (playlists) baby

lets talk about sex (playlists) baby

I was sitting in a crowded bar the other night, making eyes at the cute boy who was sipping on beer and taking his game of pool far too seriously when I remembered, holy shit, I have not had sex in over two months. Now I mean I don’t need to have sex to get off (I mean most of the times the guys I have sex with don’t even know what the clit is), a vibrator is fucking amazing (I should really be a spokesperson for sex toys), but sometimes I just really want the whole experience. I mean the physical contact is important, the whole foreplay shabang, the stupid naked ~cuddling~ , even the vocalization, it's all missing when it’s just me and my hot pink vibrator. As I was thinking about the fact that I have not gotten laid in quite some time I also was thinking about, I’d say, the best sex I have ever had. I like to call the dude, Basketball Boy, because if you couldn’t gather, he played basketball. I mean there are many other descriptors for him, but this was the biggest. I mean he was straight up like 6’5 or something, pretty hot, his brain was probably the size of a pebble, but damn, was he good in bed. So we had been hooking up for a bit, super casual, literally no feelings (which is quite rare for me), just sex. Hooking up with him though, was always, exciting, to the say the least. After, somehow my body, not just my neck, but body, was covered in hickies, it literally looked like I had gotten into a fight with someone. I think I bruise easily, but also he was more on the rough side, in a very fun and consensual way. But there was one particular time that if someone asks me about the best sex I’ve ever had, I will reference. I won’t give you all the dirty details, BUT his bed was next to a mirrored wall. So as one could imagine, my self-centered ass was staring directly at the mirror, aka at myself, the whole entire time. Totally ignoring the fact that there's this beautiful boy underneath me, nah I didn’t care, all I cared about was DAMNNN I looked good. I mean, it wasn’t just the mirror or my hot self, or even the fact that this guy knew exactly what he was doing, but he also happened to be playing music, a Weeknd song to be exact.  Now to be completely honest, hearing the Weeknd, basically whenever or wherever already turns me on, so in this moment it was perfect. His voice, his lyrics, HIM, just so incredibly full of sex appeal. Reminiscing on the ~best sex I’ve ever had~ it got me thinking about music during sex. I mean I feel like the classic high school thing to do (at least my friends and I) was to make a “sex playlist”. But after making this provocative playlist,we never once played it before ~the deed~. I mean, this time with Basketball Boy was actually the first time music was even played during sex. I started to ask some of my friends, and they all said the same thing. If music was already playing, sure they would bang it out to whatever was on (risky business my friends), but if it wasn’t, they weren’t going to go out of their way, stop what they are doing, just to turn on some sex playlist that may or may not be from senior year of high school. All of them though had playlists. Some had fast paced, steamy, and sexual vibes, while some were literally all love songs. One of my friends had strictly only Frank Ocean, and another had songs that I have definitely cried to before. I mean everyone gets off in their own way, who am I to judge? Each playlist was unique, had funny titles, and a pretty good variety of music. It’s interesting though, that we take the time to make this list, thinking that the only way to be fully turned on, to have the best sex ever, is while also listening to music in the background. I mean from my experience the best time was with music, but I’ve also had great sex without music. OH and there was one time a guy and I were hooking up, before the big bad sex (which DID NOT end up happening), and Friday by Rebecca Black came on shuffle, which, surprisingly ruined the mood. So music might not always be the way to go. I guess as I sit here in my dry spell of the damn century (sorry that is dramatic, definitely not THAT long, but C’MON), I wonder what I would put on a sex playlist now, and really if the sound of music during sex is that much better than without. If I ever have sex again, which it’s not looking too likely, I will test this theory out and let you all know if music really makes a difference.



he loves me NOT

he loves me NOT