my ex took my heart and left me his shirt

my ex took my heart and left me his shirt

What do I do with all of the clothes from past lovers? I hate that I just called them lovers, but it’s better than calling them boyfriends, because most of them were not. Most of them would literally go running if I even said the word boyfriend.  I had this little mistaken sense of empowerment when I would hookup with boys and somehow feel the need to acquire an item of their clothes. It felt like this whole superior thing, like the way guys sometimes keep girls bras, or write some douchey list in the bathroom stalls,  I had items from each guy I hooked up with, whether it be a sweatshirt or t-shirt or something. It made me feel like I had power over the situations, when in reality it was just rude (sorry guys who I’ve taken clothes from and told I would give them back, with literally no intention of doing so). But now I have this excess about of shirts and sweatshirts, even some boxers, that when I look at them I just feel sad. All of these people are no longer in my life, were barely even in my life, yet I have a piece of them in a way. We break up, they leave, they take all the love they gave (or didn’t give), but then the clothes stick around waiting for me to find one night when tears are already building up in my eyes? Some of these boys were really horrible to me, cheated, lied, the whole shabang, why should I keep clothes of theirs that if I wear, their names pop up in my brain, when they don’t need to be there anymore.  I put them all into a pile and plan to give them to goodwill or something. I want to cleanse myself of all the negative energy and negative people that were/are in my life. And yeah maybe having their clothes isn’t THAT big of a deal, but it’s still somehow keeping them present in my life, and I don’t need that. BUT okay here is the kicker, what if there are a few of these items that I actually LOVE and wear all the time. For example I have these glasses, and sweatpants, and okay maybe a shirt too from this one guy, and I literally wear the glasses everyday. Do I keep these things? Or give them back/get rid of them? I was walking to work the other day, and was sporting the glasses, and then a rush of sadness came over me. This person was nothing but a memory, and even if I tried not to, I still thought about him the second I put them on. This wasn’t some terrible break up either, so it wasn’t so much anger, but more nostalgia for what once was. I mean, if a guy asks for his stuff back, obviously give them back, but if he doesn’t, and you like them is it okay to wear still? Also if he doesn’t ask and you give them to him anyways, is that you being dramatic? Why are relationships and love and breakups and heartbreak so confusing? Why can’t there be a written guide to what I should or shouldn't do in these situations (it's not fun when it's easy, I like to think). I don’t want to continue thinking about the boys who hurt my heart, but I also don’t want to get rid of a pair of glasses, that if I do say so myself, look goddamn good on me. I wish that I could just forget all the pain and sadness even the happiness some people caused, and I wish that these stupid materialistic items didn’t hold so much meaning to them for me. I hate that if I wear a shirt that used to live in a guys messy drawer, it brings me back to a good moment with that person, or a bad moment, or any moment at all, why can’t it just be a simple t-shirt that means nothing? Maybe this is just me, and I am rambling about something no one else understands, because why do I let a shirt or a pair of glasses hurt my heart, ya know? But alas, it does. I can’t always explain why I feel the way that I do, just that I am feeling at all, and I think that’s okay for now. Here I am, heart hurting, because of the bleach blonde boy, with ocean blue eyes, who I wish I didn’t think about every time I wear a dumb pair of sunglasses.

why did he give me a hickey, but not text me back?

why did he give me a hickey, but not text me back?

i went to another state, to meet a boy from... TINDER! !

i went to another state, to meet a boy from... TINDER! !