a girls best friend: a vibrator

a girls best friend: a vibrator

***I assume not that many guys are tuning into my riveting ~blog~, but if you are, let me preface this by telling you this one is mainly for the ladies***

When I was in high school I had this cute lil friend group, made up of about 5 girls. “Cute”as in, manipulative, evil, horrible, any other negative word you can think of( minus the 2 I’m still friends w HAHA, love you both). We would have these sleepovers, and do what any other girl our age would do; talk about boys, sex, gossip, play truth or dare and show each other our growing boobs. The girls would discuss who is getting “fat” or who’s boyfriends “probably” cheating. Our group really just made each one of us feel a little bit worse about our lives. Our discussions didn’t just involve the classic mean girl rants but also the taboo high school topic that was always in the back of our minds; S E X. Somehow our conversations always veered to our hatred for blow jobs, first hand jobs that led to cum on our favorite shorts(ahem, while in the field, at a party, after refusing to give a blowjob MULTIPLE TIMES…. you know who you are) making out in fields or in the backseat of a boys subaru, or fingering to the point we thought our “cherries were popped”. We would talk all about this stuff, as if we were sex gurus, as if we even knew what an orgasm was, but really we were fucking clueless. None of us knew anything about sex, let alone even have had it yet. Even after we did have sex though, we were still truly uneducated about the whole topic. Especially masturbating and orgasms. Each one of us would say or “claim” that we had never masturbated, not once, yet our boys could make us cum with a flick of one finger. LIES. Well to be honest, not a lie about the masturbating part. In our high school, learning about sex was not really a priority, our health class taught us “do not smoke, do not drink, do not do drugs”. The only mention of sex was that it will ~definitely~ get you pregnant. Besides that, sex was always a discussion behind closed doors. Masturbating for girls was unheard of, weird, gross, not the ~normal~ or cool thing to do. I don’t know about the rest of the girls in my friend group for sure, but I definitely didn’t masturbate in high school, I mean I tried, don’t get me wrong. I did the whole classic teen thing, lit some candles, put on some classy porn, and stuck my hand down my pants…. moved it around a bit and well NOTHING. As I got into a long term relationship, I was having sex consistently with one boy, and we were learning all there was to learn about one another's bodies. I still though, never having masturbated, had no clue what an actual orgasm was. I mean yeah, sex would feel great and all and I ~thought~ I had an orgasm, but NOPE. As I got older, and into different sexual experiences, I was constantly searching for that orgasm, that just wasn’t happening. I turned 21 still never having an orgasm (granted, this is really late, and maybe if I was more properly educated about the topic, this whole sexual awakening would’ve happened way earlier). Eventually I realized I was having sex with these people, and there was no pleasure in it for me, and that had to change. I became friends with people who were far more open, and they told me how masturbating was not some weird thing, in fact it was a bit weird that I never had done it (if you don’t  though, that’s chill, not weird, everyone has their preferences). So I went out and bought a beautiful pink vibrator (if you are curious I can tell ya which brand). I was nervous at first to use it, because I had this ongoing idea that girls masturbating was ~unusual~ (fuck my school and my hometown for making me think this(not my mama though she was always open about this stuff, but a teen girl rarely listens to her mom especially about this stuff)). I eventually charged this vibrator on up, turned out the lights, and had the most amazing experience of my adult life. I had 5 orgasms in a damn row. I never even knew that was possible. Taking my lead and my boasting “5 orgasm in a row” review, all my friends then wanted, no, NEEDED vibrators. My mom is a cool chick, and we share an amazon prime account, and some of my friends mothers are not as “cool chick-like” so I let about 6 of my friends order their own vibrators from mine and my moms account. My mom never said anything about this until much later, but she probably thought I was some crazy sex addicted, masturbating fiend. I mean what would I expect, her seeing in her past orders “6+ different vibrators” bought all within days of each other? I would’ve thought the same thing if I were her, if not put me in some rehab for sex addiction, IDK. But like I said, she’s a cool chick, so we had a lil laugh about it later on.

Anyway, before this eye opening first orgasm experience, every time I would hook up with a guy, he’d ask me if I “finished” and I just nodded along to avoid the conversation of “actually no I’ve never even had an orgasm in my whole life, so no need to try ha ha help”. It was literally extraordinary, I mean both the actual orgasms, but this new sense of self, this new sexual awakening, I wish I had far before I was in my early twenties.  Sex was also never the same after that, I knew what I wanted, I knew what I liked, I knew what made me orgasm, so if a boy asked me that same question, and I hadn’t orgasmed yet, boy was he in for a lil treat, of me not stopping until the big O happened. Masturbating is so fucking great, and so natural, and so amazing. I will never fake an orgasm again with a guy, I cannot believe I ever actually did that quite frankly. Ladies, we need to reclaim sex, we need to make it less forbidden, less of a “guys thing” to do. We are allowed to masturbate, and have sex, and have as many orgasms as we want/can. All I know is the sex before learning what an orgasm is, IS LITERALLY NOTHING compared to what it is now that ya girl knows all the in’s and outs of her body. I will never ever feel ashamed or uncomfortable talking about my sex life with myself (honestly the best), or with others.

don't fall in love with the bartender you only hooked up with 4 free drinks!!!!

don't fall in love with the bartender you only hooked up with 4 free drinks!!!!

blue balls

blue balls