helplessly in love

helplessly in love

Since I was probably 4 years old, the biggest descriptor for me was "damn she talks a lot". In school we would make those name-describe the person for each letter-pictures, and the T was always "talks a lot" (the E was probably for excellent, but who knows for sure). I doubt anyone actually said the word ~damn~ when describing me, at least not to mine or my moms face, but definitely thought it. I was a talker, I could talk for hours and hours and never stop. That never really changed either. Even now my very republican, very inappropriate boss claims that "if global warming ~was~ real you would be the number one cause because you release so much co2 into the world and probably kill all the polar bears" (RUDE I KNOW). But anyways, to put it lightly, ya girl can talk. So I decided instead of just talking peoples ears off about my fleeting romances/loves, my sexcapades, or my messy life in general, I decided to start this lame ass ~blog~. I'm not trying to be some teacher or mentor, or pretend I know everything there is about all of this, especially love (HA), but I think maybe people out there have similar situations or wanna hear about how I approach these situations, or I'll just be rambling to myself, and use this as a diary. Whatever it is, I hope if someone is reading this you take from it what you will, and enjoy hearing about my humiliating life of love, loss, and pretending to be an ~adult~ when I am just a child in an adults body.

meet "chet"

meet "chet"